Egypt Wind Of Change Blog

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

New Vehicle for Dissent is a fast track to prison

New Vehicle for Dissent Is a Fast Track to Prison

This WP article talks about Egyptian blogger Alaa’s arrest It should stir things a bit and maybe expedite his prison release date

Sunday, May 28, 2006

A day at the park

Friday, May 26, 2006

Police sexual abuse

Police sexual abuse

Security forces "abducted" Sharqawy and Shaer off a street near the site of the rally and "brutally beat them up", Kefaya said in a statement, citing lawyers representing the two men.
It said that they were then taken "blindfolded" in a minibus to a location they believed was Qasr al-Nil police station, where "they were exposed to further torture."
Police particularly singled out Sharqawy for abuse, Kefaya said.
"State security officers sodomised Mohammed al-Sharqawy, a young activist, using rolled carton paper for nearly 15 minutes," the movement alleged.
"They tore off his underwear and threatened him with rape," it charged.

This is the new age of oppression, repression, cruelty, tyranny, and brutality , Welcome to Egypt.!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Our Next First Lady

Our Next First Lady

I have nothing against her. I admire her beauty, I’ll even start to watch state TV just to see her in the news opening a new school or attending a women’s conference. Perhaps Egyptian young women would learn something from her and start to reveal their beauty instead of hiding behind a veil just to conform to the society without real conviction. However I think the age gap between Jimmy and Diga is huge, that’s 18 years but I don’t think she minds specially that she is getting the thrown of Egypt.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

No hope for the future

Journalists face trial for denouncing Egypt vote-rigging

You may as well kiss Egyptian reform goodbye. Egypt is sinking into a black hole of oppression that is unparalleled. To be honest I lost appetite for Egyptian politics, it is useless. I think Ayman Nour was our viable chance for a better future but with the latest court appeal denial, I don’t see good in the immediate future until salvation comes.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Another bad news day in Egypt

Egypt slams protests, rejects Nour appeal Monsters and, UK -
CAIRO, Egypt (UPI) -- Former presidential challenger Ayman Nour will serve out the rest of his five year, hard-labor prison sentence for forgery, but two ...
Police Beat Pro-Democracy Protesters in Egypt FOX News
Egypt Police Smash Protests as Court Rules on Reformers Voice of America
Security men beat protesters backing Egypt judges Business Day

Fourteenth Human Bird Flu Case Confirmed In Egypt Medical News Today, UK
Health authorities have confirmed Egypt's fourteenth case of human bird flu infection with the H5N1 virus strain. A 75-year-old ...
Egypt: Sixth bird flu death News24
Sixth bird-flu death in Egypt Mail & Guardian Online
6th person dies of bird flu in Egypt Pravda

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Police sexually humiliate female demonstrators

Police sexually humiliate female demonstrators

This is very disturbing, the way police deal with female demonstrators. It reminds me of the movie Al Karnak by Soad Hosny
President Hosni Mubarak's enforcers have a particular way of dealing with female demonstrators: they sexually humiliate them. The case of journalist Abir al-Askari is but one example. When she arrived at Cairo's high court last week for a disciplinary hearing against two pro-democracy judges, she was grabbed by several men.
"They drove me to Sayyida Zeinab police station. I screamed and resisted and they beat me and pulled my hair and my veil," Ms Askari said. "Right in front of the police station they kicked me. When people gathered and told them to stop they replied: 'She's been committing adultery.'"
Ms Askari told Human Rights Watch investigators that she was taken to a room where three female activists from the Kifaya reform group had previously been abused. "'Nobody will know where you are,' the officer said. 'You are lost.' They tore at my clothes, my shirt buttons. They continued to slap and punch me ... I was lying on the floor. He placed his shoe on my face." She was later released.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Egypt police and pro-reform protestors clash

Egypt police and pro-reform protestors clash

The Muslims Brotherhood is the only organized entity who can bring on the masses in street protests in Egypt. I admire that.

Several hundred protestors from the Muslim Brotherhood, the Kefaya movement as well as leftist organizations gathered in downtown Cairo and were surrounded by thousands of policemen.
Riot police wearing helmets were seen beating up protestors with truncheons.
"Dozens of members of the Muslim Brothers were arrested," said spokesman Issam al-Aryan, whose Islamist opposition movement was for the first time taking part in a demonstration of support for the judges

27 killed in Egypt road crashes

27 killed in Egypt road crashes

This will never end as long as the traffic system in Egypt is not improved. Close calls are the norm on Egyptian roads, and it’s a miracle that accidents rates are not 4 times higher.

I think for a tourist visiting Egypt, he should worry more about road accidents than terrorist attacks

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

احمد فؤاد نجم - حرنكش

احمد فؤاد نجم - حرنكش
عليا الحرنكش ياريس مبارك
فى عصر مزركش ملون بنارك
لابايعك وابايع حكومة حمارك
ملعون ابو اللى يقدر يقاطع قرارك
نهاره مقندل وليله مبارك
فهمبك وهجص وطلع فى ديننا
اكيد هو طالع يشاهد جمالك
جمالك مبارك
سوزانك سوزاننا
يامحلا حصارك لمصر اللى جالنا
نسيمها فى عصرك بيشوى فى بدننا
اؤيد وابايع فخامة جلالتك
وايد اى واحد بيمسح ريالتك
ولانك سر باتع هاننسى هبالتك
فاقعد ياريس ودلدل حمامتك
حمامة السلام حمامتك ياريس
سلامة الحمامة وسلامتك ياريس
على تل مصر ياريتك تهيص
خرابه فسيحة عليها تمتيس
واامر تطاع فشعبك مفيص
I ran into the above by accident in the Random Voices Blog

Police kill Egypt boombing suspect

Police kill Egypt bombings suspect

How do we know that El-Mallahi had anything to do with the bombing?. He didn’t have a fair trial. He was killed in cold blood. I certainly don’t trust the neither the Egyptian security forces nor its government, they been killing people left and right without due process. He is dead and the truth will never be known.

Egypts Zamalek invites Palestinian PM to football match

Egypt's Zamalek invites Palestinian PM to football match

I don’t think that is a wise move. What if the poor PM was not allowed to return home by the Israelis. Beside I hate to mix sport with politics. It is not a good formula and kind of wired

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Bird flu pandemic will hit young people

Bird flu pandemic will hit young people

“Most cases in humans have been young, reminiscent of 1918," Donald Low, microbiologist-in-chief at Toronto's Mount Sinai Hospital, said in a speech in Toronto.

The 1918-19 Spanish flu pandemic killed between 20 million and 50 million people worldwide

Again this is not a joke. It is so serious and can’t be ignored

Fatal Contact Bird Flu in America

Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America

Don’t worry it is just a movie that will air tonight on ABC. Sounds interesting. I’ll watch and let you know

Egypt wind of change has revered direction

Egypt wind of change has reversed direction

When I started this blog back in October of last year, I was optimistic that changes are on the way, but everyday now I realize that we are drifting away from any meaningful change for a better Egypt. Instead, change is taking an ugly turn to the worse with more and more people getting arrested for expressing their mind and anyone who dare to challenge the president or his son is sent behind bars (like in Ayman Nour’s case). Mubarak is preparing to transition his power to his son Gamal, everybody knows it and nobody has the gut to stop it especially after what they have seen happen to Ayman Nour.

In the meantime Egypt is drifting into chaos and it is boiling because of numerous problems such as bird flu, terrorist attacks, the judicial revolt, financial wows, and unprecedented high level corruption. All basic services are constantly declining such as health care and education.

As an Egyptian observer who lives in the USA, I feel that Egypt is hitting a new record rock bottom everyday. This was reinforced over the weekend when the security forces arrested a fellow blogger Alaa
The only ray of hope is that things wont last long like that, SOMETHING will happen soon to relief the pressure. This SOMETHING will be unpredictable and uncontrollable and may have devastating impacts that can last for a long time. As Lin Yutang once said “ Peace of mind is that mental condition in which you accepted the worst”

In the meantime I will keep observing, blogging and expressing my views without fear as it is my God given right, hoping that someone, someday will peacefully change Egypt for the better.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Alaa detained for 15 days

Egyptian Blogger Alaa was arrested and detained for 15 days.

Hopefully he will be released sooner.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Happy Cinqo de Mayo

To me Cinqo de Mayo is somthing to look for every year. Enjoy it.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Ahmed Nazif our Next President?

Ahmed Nazif our Next President?

I don’t think so. Why?, because he is also Canadian for starter and the constitution forbids a dual citizen to run for office. So what’s all the fuss is about . Gamal Mubarak wing are attacking Nazif after they realized that his ambitions are towards the number one job in the country. There have been rumors that he got the USA stamp of approval and support to get the big post.

Well who is Ahmed Nazif. Here is some info about the man in question I found in Egypt Today (sorry link is broken today):
  • Nazif was born July 8, 1952, in Alexandria,

  • He graduated from the communications and electronics department of Cairo University Faculty of Engineering in 1973 and obtained his masters from the same institution three years later

  • He earned a PhD in computer engineering from Montreal’s McGill University (Canada) in 1983

  • After returning to Egypt, Nazif worked his way up through the ranks at Cairo U, becoming a full professor in the 1993-1994 academic year

  • Nazif first entered government service in 1989 as executive director of the Cabinet Information Center, going on to implement new IT solutions in several government ministries and governorates

  • In October 1999, Nazif one of the tallest ministers we had in recent memory was appointed the nations first Minister of Communications and Information Technology

  • In July 2004 he replaced Atef Ebeid as Egypt Prime Minister (the 7th in Mubarak era)

To me he is a fine engineer, and maybe that is what we need (a fine engineer but not Nazif) to fix our problems. This man however is not fixing anything; problems are accumulating faster than it’s being resolved (clearly a FIFO overrun) We need to shut down, replace the chip (Nazif) and reboot! (for you computer engineers). As for Nazif he ought to return to the world of academia and leave the world of politics so we can get someone else to clean up his mess!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Bird flu readiness: USA vs. Egypt

U.S. to spend $1 billion on pandemic vaccine

The USA is stepping up its readiness for the potential pandemic ,while the Egyptian government is doing absolutely nothing to combat the disease. To make matter worse, a fifth bird flu human death was reported in Egypt today. Now bear in mind that many other cases go unreported by ways of misdiagnosis or government cover-up. The lack of action by the Egyptian government to tackle the virus is astonishing and it just shows how incompetent the government is.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Chaos Feared in Pandemic Flu Plan

Chaos Feared in Pandemic Flu Plan

I always tend to read between the lines when I see a suspicious event. Today I felt that this Flu pandemic might not be a joke after all. In the fall president Bush proposed $7.1 billion plan to prepare for the world wide outbreak of a super-strain of influenza, and today the White House outlined its plan to combat a potential pandemic.

There will be travel restriction and school closures if a pandemic hits, but if it hits there will be a high death toll in affected countries.

Now Egypt has been a fertile land for the bird flu with our health minister proudly announcing the 13th human case and only God knows how many others died from the disease with the wrong diagnosis or with the government cover-up

Sooner or later the pandemic will hit and Egypt will be affected with a very high death count and that will bring total isolation from the outer world for fear of spreading the deadly disease.

The Egyptian government has to react quickly to curb the disease before it becomes contagious among humans. Time is precious, everyday counts and the clock is ticking. Egyptian has been living with the disease now for sometime but they have not seen anything yet. This potential pandemic will hit with biblical proportion. Forget about oppression, corruption and terrorist attacks, this pandemic may wipe Egypt from the world map, and the government needs to act quickly for the sake of Egypt.

There has to be a plan of action and concrete steps to reverse the advancing of the disease. Something similar to what the US is doing. I fear for the safety of my family while in Egypt

May God bless Egypt and save this country

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Happy birthday Mubarak, please go away we had enough

Happy birthday Mubarak.. Please go away we had enough

You took a good country and destroyed it, now it is time for you to go, so we can pick up the pieces and start from scratch

Hamas leader asks militants to attack buses and shopping malls instead of crossings

Hamas leader asks militants not to attack crossings

They left it open to attack innocents in buses, restaurants and shopping malls!!.

I have to say some news items sad and funny at the same time.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Today is bad news day

Today is bad news day.

Just look at the headlines:
  1. 35 hurt in Egypt train crash 
AFP via Yahoo! News - May 01 4:23 AM
Thirty-five people were injured in Egypt when a goods train crashed into a stationary passenger train north of Cairo.
  1. Egypt expects tourism to grow despite attacks 
International Herald Tribune - May 01 11:40 AM
Tourist bookings to Egypt have dropped since the attack last week that killed 18 people at a Sinai resort, but the tourism minister, Zoheir Garrana, said Monday that he hoped to attract an extra one million visitors in 2006.
  1. Egypt renews restrictive detention law 
Fort Worth Star-Telegram - 1 hour, 43 minutes ago
CAIRO -- Egypt's parliament voted Sunday to extend for two years an emergency law that allows indefinite detentions without trials and otherwise restricts civil liberties.
  1. Egypt Forces Kill 3 Resort Blast Suspects - May 01 11:50 AM
EL-ARISH, Egypt - Security forces Monday fatally shot three men wanted in terrorist bombings that killed at least 18 people in a coastal Sinai Peninsula resort last week, officials said.