Egypt Wind Of Change Blog

Friday, October 28, 2005

Clean up Egypt

Clean up Egypt

Pollution is suffocating in Egypt. It is accumulated from many sources. On my recent trip to Egypt last summer I could not believe how much dirt, smug, trash, and sewage you name it are in Egypt.

In Cairo, old cars create so much pollution that make you sick. Not only that but traffic congestion caused by these old running scraps is horrible, making people nervous, angry and frustrated. There is no car emission standard in Egypt. The air quality in Cairo is so bad. I am sure it is the worst in the world. People are suffering from all kinds of respiratory ailments in Egypt.

When I was in Sharm two weeks before it was bombed, I saw the small ships carrying tourists dumping their human waste feces in the in the Red Sea water of Ras Mohamad supposedly
a national protected area. I am sure that kills the coral reeves underneath but that is what they do everyday.

There have to be strict rules to protect the environment in Egypt. I suggest that the government introduces forceful laws to eliminate old cars from the Egypt's roads. They need to conduct an emission test on every vehicle every couple of years, and forbid cars that flunk the test from operation. That is the only way to clean up the roads of Cairo and Alexandria, otherwise the problem will get worse over time. Not only that, but cars should not be allowed to operate if it is older than 15 years. This way the streets will be less congested and the pollution will be reversed.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Learning everyday

Learning everyday

It is amazing how much information is available to you these days. The Internet has become a very powerful tool in every day’s life. I’m specially amazed by the ability to listen to radios from all around the world on the Internet especially about Egypt. It all started by adding the El Ghad radio to the list and today I added radio Sama that is broadcast by the brotherhood. Not to forget Enkaz radio and BBC arabic

But I also use the Internet for many other things such as, my telephone line (VOIP) and buying stuff online from places like BUY and Ebay as well as investing and Internet banking.

Ten or even five years ago these things were not available, but today they make our life much easier. It is hard to imagine to live without the Internet.

Now that I also discovered blogging , I feel that the world is within your reach. I am worried however because I know that the pharaoh may not like that and he can stop the flow of information if it is emitting from Egypt, but I doubt that will happen because once you find freedom, it is hard to let it go again.

I wish in the coming days more and more online radios from Egypt become available to learn more about what is happening with our beloved country

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

About the Play in Muhrram Bek

About the Play in Muhrram Bek

I downloaded the play and saw it and now I can comment on it.

I think it is an OK one. I even laughed couple of times while watching it. It is too bad that people get so worked up and upset without even watching it. They don’t develop their own opinion. They are just being led by anybody how insight rage, hatred and violence.

Christians have the right to “in free” society to convey their massage even if it might not appeal to Moslems. People should take things more lightly. In the play, the main character dies while in the hands of his Moslem friend. I liked this part. The play itself, could have been written better and convey a message of tolerance and acceptance but it should not be the reason to insight violence and hatred.

So why it caused the riot by the Moslems. My simple answer is unemployment. If those people who rioted had jobs, they would not get involved in a riot in the name of God. They would direct their resources in something else. In Egypt the tension is rising because of economic reasons. People are in very bad shape with no jobs and no money and they lack of basic necessities of life. That drives them to release their anger whenever they can and that was their opportunity.

Everyone in Egypt should realize that the root cause of problems is the corrupt system and should direct their anger towards it instead.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Will Ayman Nour Survive

Will Ayman Nour Survive?
Nour is the opposition leader in Egypt. He was second in the presidential race last September. Soon after the election; he had to face a revolt in his “Al Ghad” party that resulted in two camps; one with Nour and the other against him. Of course the members who revolted are being supported by the pharaoh’s son. They were in fact the moles that were planted in the party to destroy it whenever they receive the order from above.

But that is not all his problems. He is also charged with forgery and his trial is ready to resume next week. Even though it is a trumped-up charge, he could end up jail for a long time if he is convicted.

Nour is the one hope Egypt has. He is liberal and vows to combat corruption that is making Egypt intolerable. I wish he can overcome his legal problems and get elected to parliament so he can continue his good work.

Changes are on the way

Change is coming and no one will stop it. In Egypt however people are afraid to change. They always say "Who we know is better than whom we don't". What they don't know is that they been sinking to the bottom and they don't know it. I guess because they never knew better.
Things get much worse before they get better. Life goes in cycles and Egypt is still going down but not much longer. Things are bound to change soon as people can't continue to live like this. Like sub-humanity breed with a lack of many basic necessities of life. Revolt is on the way; peaceful or not is something yet to be determined. It all depend on how the pharaoh wants it to be. It is his choice. Only time will tell.