Egypt Wind Of Change Blog

Friday, October 14, 2005

Will Ayman Nour Survive

Will Ayman Nour Survive?
Nour is the opposition leader in Egypt. He was second in the presidential race last September. Soon after the election; he had to face a revolt in his “Al Ghad” party that resulted in two camps; one with Nour and the other against him. Of course the members who revolted are being supported by the pharaoh’s son. They were in fact the moles that were planted in the party to destroy it whenever they receive the order from above.

But that is not all his problems. He is also charged with forgery and his trial is ready to resume next week. Even though it is a trumped-up charge, he could end up jail for a long time if he is convicted.

Nour is the one hope Egypt has. He is liberal and vows to combat corruption that is making Egypt intolerable. I wish he can overcome his legal problems and get elected to parliament so he can continue his good work.


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