Egypt Wind Of Change Blog

Friday, May 05, 2006

Ahmed Nazif our Next President?

Ahmed Nazif our Next President?

I don’t think so. Why?, because he is also Canadian for starter and the constitution forbids a dual citizen to run for office. So what’s all the fuss is about . Gamal Mubarak wing are attacking Nazif after they realized that his ambitions are towards the number one job in the country. There have been rumors that he got the USA stamp of approval and support to get the big post.

Well who is Ahmed Nazif. Here is some info about the man in question I found in Egypt Today (sorry link is broken today):
  • Nazif was born July 8, 1952, in Alexandria,

  • He graduated from the communications and electronics department of Cairo University Faculty of Engineering in 1973 and obtained his masters from the same institution three years later

  • He earned a PhD in computer engineering from Montreal’s McGill University (Canada) in 1983

  • After returning to Egypt, Nazif worked his way up through the ranks at Cairo U, becoming a full professor in the 1993-1994 academic year

  • Nazif first entered government service in 1989 as executive director of the Cabinet Information Center, going on to implement new IT solutions in several government ministries and governorates

  • In October 1999, Nazif one of the tallest ministers we had in recent memory was appointed the nations first Minister of Communications and Information Technology

  • In July 2004 he replaced Atef Ebeid as Egypt Prime Minister (the 7th in Mubarak era)

To me he is a fine engineer, and maybe that is what we need (a fine engineer but not Nazif) to fix our problems. This man however is not fixing anything; problems are accumulating faster than it’s being resolved (clearly a FIFO overrun) We need to shut down, replace the chip (Nazif) and reboot! (for you computer engineers). As for Nazif he ought to return to the world of academia and leave the world of politics so we can get someone else to clean up his mess!


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