Egypt Wind Of Change Blog

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Chaos Feared in Pandemic Flu Plan

Chaos Feared in Pandemic Flu Plan

I always tend to read between the lines when I see a suspicious event. Today I felt that this Flu pandemic might not be a joke after all. In the fall president Bush proposed $7.1 billion plan to prepare for the world wide outbreak of a super-strain of influenza, and today the White House outlined its plan to combat a potential pandemic.

There will be travel restriction and school closures if a pandemic hits, but if it hits there will be a high death toll in affected countries.

Now Egypt has been a fertile land for the bird flu with our health minister proudly announcing the 13th human case and only God knows how many others died from the disease with the wrong diagnosis or with the government cover-up

Sooner or later the pandemic will hit and Egypt will be affected with a very high death count and that will bring total isolation from the outer world for fear of spreading the deadly disease.

The Egyptian government has to react quickly to curb the disease before it becomes contagious among humans. Time is precious, everyday counts and the clock is ticking. Egyptian has been living with the disease now for sometime but they have not seen anything yet. This potential pandemic will hit with biblical proportion. Forget about oppression, corruption and terrorist attacks, this pandemic may wipe Egypt from the world map, and the government needs to act quickly for the sake of Egypt.

There has to be a plan of action and concrete steps to reverse the advancing of the disease. Something similar to what the US is doing. I fear for the safety of my family while in Egypt

May God bless Egypt and save this country


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