Egypt Wind Of Change Blog

Friday, May 26, 2006

Police sexual abuse

Police sexual abuse

Security forces "abducted" Sharqawy and Shaer off a street near the site of the rally and "brutally beat them up", Kefaya said in a statement, citing lawyers representing the two men.
It said that they were then taken "blindfolded" in a minibus to a location they believed was Qasr al-Nil police station, where "they were exposed to further torture."
Police particularly singled out Sharqawy for abuse, Kefaya said.
"State security officers sodomised Mohammed al-Sharqawy, a young activist, using rolled carton paper for nearly 15 minutes," the movement alleged.
"They tore off his underwear and threatened him with rape," it charged.

This is the new age of oppression, repression, cruelty, tyranny, and brutality , Welcome to Egypt.!


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