Happy New Year
Happy New Year
Well here we go again , another new year which I hope will be better than the previous one. On the personal level last year was great but for Egypt, it was not. We start this year with sadness because of all the bad things that happened last year in Egypt. After a promising start with the intention of changing the constitution to allow for presidential election instead of rigged referendum. The hope for change was short lived after the new constitution draft revealed many restriction on hopeful candidates and as it became clearer, we realized that it was all a charade; there will not be a peaceful change without an uphill struggle. Apparently freedom requires a strong will from the masses which is currently not present in Egypt, because the people are spending all their efforts just to get by, they have no time for a luxury called freedom. And when somebody fights for it he is destroyed by the system until he surrenders and joins the herd like in the case of Ayman Nour. Read this article it is really good.
I don’t think this year will be better for Egypt. I predict that things will keep getting worse until something happens I don’t know what. But as it stands now the situation is hopeless with many are ready to jump off the shipwreck.
I hope everyone will have a wonderful year with all your dreams comes true aside from politics which is a sham anyway. I think life is wonderful. Work on those New Year resolutions, write them down. Think about them everyday until you get it done. Be safe, enjoy life and be happy.
Well here we go again , another new year which I hope will be better than the previous one. On the personal level last year was great but for Egypt, it was not. We start this year with sadness because of all the bad things that happened last year in Egypt. After a promising start with the intention of changing the constitution to allow for presidential election instead of rigged referendum. The hope for change was short lived after the new constitution draft revealed many restriction on hopeful candidates and as it became clearer, we realized that it was all a charade; there will not be a peaceful change without an uphill struggle. Apparently freedom requires a strong will from the masses which is currently not present in Egypt, because the people are spending all their efforts just to get by, they have no time for a luxury called freedom. And when somebody fights for it he is destroyed by the system until he surrenders and joins the herd like in the case of Ayman Nour. Read this article it is really good.
I don’t think this year will be better for Egypt. I predict that things will keep getting worse until something happens I don’t know what. But as it stands now the situation is hopeless with many are ready to jump off the shipwreck.
I hope everyone will have a wonderful year with all your dreams comes true aside from politics which is a sham anyway. I think life is wonderful. Work on those New Year resolutions, write them down. Think about them everyday until you get it done. Be safe, enjoy life and be happy.
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