Egypt Wind Of Change Blog

Friday, November 11, 2005

My Prediction is Sadly Becoming True

My Prediction is Sadly becoming True;

As I expected in my previous post, the first phase of the election was dominated by rigging by the official and the judges in favor of the NDP candidates. The biggest loss is the people hope for peaceful democratic change.

Ayman Nour lost his seat as well as other prominent opposition figures. I listened to his wife Gamila Ismail  on Radio Al Inkaz and she sounded so hopeless and that mad me so sad.

It is interesting how the Egyptian media covered the election, while the government owned media declared the election “the cleanest in Egypt’s history”, the opposition and independent media listed many violations that spoiled the final outcome. I guess one serious problem with the election is the voter registration list  which needs to be updated and cleaned up. Another problem is the candidates vote buying.

Election reform needs to take place before the election itself otherwise it is useless. It is too late now but for the future it has to be done. They should replace the current system with a modernized one that utilizes today’s technology to eliminate manual workload by the officials in order to expedite the election process and reduce the chances of cheating. Such a modernized election system can be adopted from other free countries and supervised by international monitors. Voter registration lists should be scraped and redrafted from scratch utilizing the database of the National Number ID. This is the most up-to-date information database available.

Having said all of that, the future of our country seems bleak now with no hope in sight and that is the worst part.


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