Egypt Wind Of Change Blog

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Happy Eid Everyone

Happy Eid  Everyone;

Today is the first day of Eid Al Fitr which comes after the Holy month of Ramadan. It is a special day for my little family. We woke up at 6:30 Am took a shower and got dressed in our new outfits bought specially for the occasion . Then we hopped on the car and drove to the cultural center to pray the prayer of Eid.  I wasn’t sure about the direction which I got late the day before from an acquaintance. Unfortunately his direction was 90% wrong and we got lost on the way.

It was 8:10 AM when I realized that we are lost and I knew that the prayer start at 8:00AM but I hoped I could still make it in time, so I asked my wife to dial the mosque’s phone number to get some help, so she did and I talked to some helpful brother who helped me find the way to the gathering center which wasn’t too far from where we where at that point.

I had hard time finding a parking space but we finally parked and got out the car, harried to the building  where my wife entered into the lady’s section while I went to the men’s. By the time we arrived, they just have begun the Takbirat for the first Raka’. Of course there where no space left for me to stand, so I had to pray on the hardwood stairs. After the prayer was completed I entered into the hall and listened to the Khotba which was good, maybe I talk about it later.

Anyway once the Khotba ended I shacked hands with few acquaintances, left the building and called my wife on her mobile phone and told her to meet me outside then we drove home where I picked up my planner and grabbed some cookies and went to work. I arrived to work at 10:00AM.

I wished the Eid came on the weekend like last year but anyway I was glad to pray Eid and celebrate the occasion. My biggest celebration will be on the third day of Eid which is the start of the weekend, but for now it is work as usual.


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