Shameful Election

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Shameful Election
Every time Egyptian sense any hope of political reform, the government destroys it. That’s how I summarize the third round of the Egyptian parliamentary election. After a surprising gains by the MB in the first two rounds, the government decided that enough in enough and returned to its old dirty tricks to stop the MB and the opposition from gaining anymore seats.
The police did a good job in stopping people from entering polling stations in many MB stronghold districts to ensure that they won’t be able to vote for the MB. The police only allowed NDP members to vote. They had to show their NDP badge to enter the polling station. For diehard voters the only way to vote was to clime a ladder and sneak in like burglars
As a result no MB member won in this round and 35 of them are returning for the second round in 5 days. If the government maintain its tactics they will stop MB from wining any more seats to make sure that NDP controls two third of the parliamentary seats so they can pass any law without any need for opposition support.
On the other hand the government biased media blamed the MB for all the violence that occurred yesterday. The government owned media failed to mention that police blocked polling station or the inaccurate voters lists or the NDP thugs who killed innocent voters or even the vote rigging by stuffing boxes and changing the results after is was announced and so on.
What a shameful election!
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