Egypt Wind Of Change Blog

Friday, January 20, 2006

Egypt beats Libya 3-0

Egypt beats Libya 3 –0 but the turf sucked

I am glad that my prediction is not coming true, after today’s win, Egypt chance of qualifying for the quarter final looks good. I think another win should suffice. I’m disappointed about the playing field condition though in the newly renovated Cairo Stadium. It seems that they forgot to fix the turf. There are many spots without green grass with visible holes. They should fix it with some sod before the next game.

The organization does not seem to be all that well either. The Moroccan team could not practice in the stadium the other day because the Ivory coast team was training at the same time, and it was suppose to be without fans but there was 5000 plus spectators watching.

Anyway go Egypt go., I hope you can make it to the finals and maybe win it all. Next game for the pharaohs will be against Morocco on Tuesday


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