Egypt Wind Of Change Blog

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Materazzi wanted Zidane’s sister

The truth is finally out. Meterazzi revealed what he said to provoke Zidane during the World Cup final.

"I did not provoke him, I responded verbally to a provocation," Materazzi told the daily Gazzetta dello Sport on Tuesday.
"We both spoke and I wasn't the first. I held his shirt but don't you think it is a provocation to say that 'if you want my shirt I will give it you afterwards'?
"I replied to Zidane that I would prefer his sister, that is true. I brought up his sister and that wasn't a nice thing, that is true," said Materazzi.

I haven’t seen Zidane’s sister, but I doubt that she was worth all of that!


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