Egypt Wind Of Change Blog

Friday, June 09, 2006

Israeli Shells Kill 8 at Beach in Gaza

Israeli Shells Kill at Least 8 at Beach in Gaza

Israeli shells hit a crowded beach in northern Gaza today, killing at least eight Palestinians, including a family of five and two women, and wounding more than 30 others, according to Palestinian journalists and medical personnel.
The Israeli shelling was part of what Israel says is its continuing effort to repress the firing of Qassam rockets from Gaza into Israel.
The Ghaliya family, husband Ali, wife Raisa, and three children, ages 1, 3 and 10, were having a picnic on the beach on a hot afternoon and were all killed in the shelling.

I don’t understand why Israel do such a thing, it only deepen the hatred towards the Jewish state, and nothing will be gained from killing a peaceful family trying to have a good time on the beach on a hot spring day!


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