Egypt Wind Of Change Blog

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Pornography in Egypt is 24/7

Pornography in Egypt is 24/7

In Egypt, if you watch state TV channels you’ll be very board because they don’t offer anything interesting. On my last trip to Egypt last summer, I spent one morning switching between channels only to find the same live broadcast of the president attending some boring ceremony. It was really stupid because the same broadcast was on Channel One, Nile TV, and Channel Two. I was bored out of my mind so I decided to buy a satellite dish receiver to keep up to speed with the latest news even though I only had 2 days left before going back to the USA.

When the dish guy came to install the device, he warned me about certain channels and asked if he should block it, but since I don’t believe in self-imposed censorship, I declined. After he left I started flipping through the channels which are so many to count. There was the Arabic channels from all over, including specialized music channels, and free European movie channels in French, English and other languages, but that was not all...

I was shocked to find  few pornographic channels broadcasting free to air. That was crazy, we are talking about Egypt, the country where majority of women are veiled and prayer calls (Athans) are hared  every other hour. What a contradiction. I’m not a big fan about conspiracy theories, but I think it might be a government sponsored idea to keep the people busy watching pornography while THEY do their things. It might be just another ploy to distract the youth so they don’t revolt against their ever declining standard of living. I might be wrong but again who knows.

Now a day Satellite programming is in many households in Egypt, I figure that the government discovered that it can’t  provide decent news coverage or entertaining programs on their own, so they let pornography be accessed easily so viewer won’t watch news channels that often tells the truth in favor of pornography, specially that the truth cannot be good for them can it?

I feel sorry for adolescents in Egypt who watch these 24/7 pornography content. It can screw up their minds to put it mildly. I’m glad I was not raised up in such an environment, it is just not healthy


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