Egypt Wind Of Change Blog

Friday, February 10, 2006

Egypt wins the Championship

Egypt wins the Championship

After a nerve-racking  game that went to extra time and penalty shootout after scoreless 120 mintues, Egypt finally won the championship 4-2 form the penalty spot where Ivory cost did not play the final kick  after it was decided by Abou Trika’s goal. I am very happy for Egypt they played well and deserved to win. Also Essam El Hadary saved two kicks. And Abed El Halim Aly missed from the spot. Ahmad Hassan failed to convert a penalty kick earlier during the live action but scored the first kick in the shootout.

I missed 3 hours from work to watch the game but it was worth it at the end.

Congratulation to Egypt for the record breaking fifth African cup title. Anything else would have been a nightmare


  • Mabrook

    Congratulations ..!!

    All Egyptians are happy, streets jamming with soccer fans and not till daylights

    By Blogger Ahmed Shokeir, at 12:01 AM  

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