Egypt Wind Of Change Blog

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Al Ahli club is always saved by the referees

Al Ahli club is always saved by the referees

If you were following the Egyptian premier soccer league lately, you would definitely sense a referring bias favoring Al Ahli club. This was very obvious in the 2-2 tie match against Ghazel Al Mahala, where the ref awarded two penalty kicks to Al Ahli club. Their last game 1-0 win against Haras Al Hodood was no different where the ref denied Haras two penalty kicks to ensure victory for Al Ahli. In the previous game against Enppi, a clearly wrong decision  by the ref to award a free kick to Al Ahli resulted in the only goal in the game so club can claim the win.

It is not a fair competition when any club playing against Al Ahli has to also withstand consistent referring bias towards Al Ahli. It is bad enough  that Al Ahli keep buying the best talents from the smaller teams to deprive them from their chance to compete on par.

It is not a healthy sporting environment, that hurts Egypt chances to improve its international soccer status. It makes the Egyptian premier soccer league boring, predictable and annoying to watch. It also removes all the excitement from the sport.

I understand that most Egyptians are Al Ahli fans, after all people like the winning team, that is ok but it is a shallow gratification when you know that your team is winning by erroneous referring decisions instead of team efforts and good talents.

This soccer situation is just a mirror to all facets of society where only few dominate and the rest either watch or suffer the consequences.

I don’t understand the government role in all of that, why they keep pumping money to Al Ahli and Zamalek while depriving the other teams; after all neither teams are public institutions and should never be supported by the government. If it is the government policy to make people happy by letting Al Ahli always win, then it is the wrong policy and should be stopped. Let the best team win regardless of who is playing or else why not just award the title to Al Ahli without playing and save us all from this boring game.


  • They have a pure marketwise view, since the Ahly fans are majority so it has to win to please as many people as they can and to let them be happy and not talk about politics etc.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 3:51 PM  

  • the conspiracy theory is old fashion man, as a Zamalkawy, you should have more sense of creation (referee , football Court , Media , Spectators .. etc) , I'm waiting for the new "theory" of how and why the Ahly wins. African Champions 2005 , but that is another conspiracy theory, isn't it?

    By Blogger Mo'men, at 6:59 AM  

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